
  • 电脑网络维修
  • 2024-11-14



The reCAPTCHA 库 让你可认为网站创立初级的CAPTCHA系统,这个系统其实是用来生成验证消息的,甚至包含语音验证,下图就是个好例子。

当然还有reCAPTCHA 服务可以经常使用,其提供易用的收费API,值得在你的网站试试。

The reCAPTCHA library allows you to integrate an advanced CAPTCHA system on your website, which helps keep spam bots from posting on your website. The visual CAPTCHA also includes a helpful audio feature.In addition to the reCAPTCHA service, the library also includes an API for the "Mailhide" service which hides emails from spammers.The API is free and easy to implement on your site and also gives back to the community as it translates scanned books.

下载 ReCAPTCHA | 取得 API Key | 文档


Akismet is a free service that can be used on most small sites - or used on larger sites for a small fee. The library works by comparing comments to a alt="Akismet" src="https://s4./oss/202207/19/0978e7a455798d8cc72248212524ae6bbd35c1.jpg" goog_docs_charindex="1150">

引见 Akismet

3. Services_JSON


JSON is a handy format for transmitting human readable alt="JSON" src="https://s5./oss/202207/19/26a417668d93dab38550342c2fd94db285b98a.png" goog_docs_charindex="1583">

检查 Services_JSON


is a template engine which was formally a sub-project of the PHP project. Smarty provides many powerful features such as loops, variables, and a great caching system. The library has many years under its belt and is nearing its version three release.

下载 Smarty | 观看文档


In addition to displaying text goog_docs_charindex="2250">pChartis a script that allows you to create charts and graphs from SQL queries or manually provided details. The script is baked by GD to create the images. There is also a main focus on the aesthetics; so it creates some beautiful work.

下载 pChart | 检查文档 |

6. SimplePie

让你轻松提取内容(好比RSS feeds)。它能和多种言语交互,也能处置各种格局的feed。

SimplePie allows you to easily pull in syndicated content (like RSS feeds). It's also been integrated with a lot of different platforms and language sets; it should be able to deal almost any feed in a variety of ways.

下载 SimplePie | 检查文档 | 为共同的RSS Feeds 拓展SimplePie

7. XML-RPC PHP Library

有时你须要经常使用XML-RPC技术去和其余网站交互,那么试试这个 XML-RPC PHP 库吧。

Applications sometimes use functionality to "ping" other sites when an action has occurred (known as trackbacks). This is done by using a protocol called XML-RPC. The XML-RPC PHP library also allows you to integrate the functionality into your website.

下载 XML-RPC PHP | 检查文档

8. Amazon S3

Amazon有名的云计算平台叫做“S3”。这里就有 Amazon S3 库 让你不用任何附加工具就可以经常使用云,上行少量数据文件。

Amazon provides a nice service to work in the cloud, called "S3". Nettuts+ even uses it to store the images seen in each article. There is a nice Amazon S3 library that doesn't require any third party tools and allows for large file uploads.

下载 Amazon S3 PHP Class

9. PHPMailer


Most applications send out an email in some form, but usually rely on the basic php mail() function. PHPMailer is an existing powerful class that allows you to send different types of emails - from basic text to rich formatted emails. These emails can also include attachments or custom headers.

下载 PHPMailer | 检查文档

原文题目: 9个你应该知道的PHP库



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